
2019 Canadian Law Blog Awards Winner Best Blogs and Commentary

Best A2J Resources: Twitter Town Hall
2019 Canadian Law Blog Awards Winner

eNews articles provide general information only and should not be used as authority in court proceedings or as a substitute for legal advice. Please check the date an article was posted. We do our best to keep our website up to date, but older articles may not reflect current information.

Posted to: Court | 23/07/2024

Indigenous Court elders from the Squamish Nation, joined by representatives of the BC Provincial Court and the Ministry of the Attorney General, welcomed Malaysian government officials and community elders on July 3, 2024.

Posted to: Court | 11/07/2024

If people need to bring a family law dispute to BC Provincial Court, their first court appearance is a virtual family management conference. When lawyers attend these conferences with their clients, they can play a big role in making them effective.

Posted to: Other Topics | 11/06/2024

Muriel Sasakamoose, a Kamloops Cknúcwentn First Nations Sentencing Court elder for the last eleven years, has been awarded an honourary doctor of letters degree by Thompson Rivers University. Now 86 years old, Dr. Sasakamoose has been a lifelong advocate for equality and justice.

Posted to: Judges | 28/05/2024

Many Provincial Court judges bring a wide range of life experience to their work in the Court. It can help them understand the circumstances of the people they judge and appreciate their diversity. But Judge Alexander Wolf’s experience before he was appointed a judge must be among the most varied and wide-ranging.

Posted to: Court, Judges | 14/05/2024

If you think of a BC Provincial Court judicial justice as a person without legal training who decides cases of little importance, you’re out of date.
