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Three years ago this week, on December 11, 2020, the Williams Lake Indigenous Court held a “virtual soft opening” due to pandemic health measures. Provincial Court Chief Judge Melissa Gillespie spoke by video-conference, as did the BC premier, First Nations chiefs and elders, and community representatives.
The Law Society of BC is working with other groups to see whether access to justice can be improved by having non-lawyers provide competent and affordable legal services to people who aren’t otherwise getting legal help.
Twenty-two judges and eight judicial case managers were sent to jail on Friday October 13, 2023. It wasn’t bad luck.
The Okanagan Correctional Centre (OCC) in Oliver, BC, was the site of this year’s annual meeting of the BC Provincial Court’s Interior Region judges and judicial case managers (JCMs).
The BC Provincial Court now operates nine Indigenous sentencing courts in communities around the province. How do these courts get established?
It takes dedicated people and a lot of work!
Kamloops lawyer Graham Kay has been on development committees for several Indigenous courts. He describes the 4-year process to develop BC’s ninth criminal Indigenous court in Lillooet.
There’s a very steep learning curve in a judge’s first year. The BC Provincial Court provides a variety of orientation and training programs to educate and support new judges as they adjust to their new responsibilities.