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eNews articles provide general information only and should not be used as authority in court proceedings or as a substitute for legal advice. Please check the date an article was posted. We do our best to keep our website up to date, but older articles may not reflect current information.
Lawyers in BC can now listen to recordings of Provincial Court adult criminal proceedings and access some adult criminal court records remotely, without leaving the office.
This summer the Duncan First Nations Court held an uplifting community celebration. There was a lot to celebrate. Not only does 2023 mark the Court’s 10th anniversary but this year saw the Court move to a new sitting location in the Cowichan Tribes’ building, Si'em Lelum.
The BC Provincial Court website explains how lawyers can apply for appointment as a Provincial Court judge. But what is the process like for applicants? What are the challenges, the high points, and the low points? A judge who was appointed in the last few years agreed to share their impressions.
Haida Gwaii means “Islands of the People” in the Haida language. Located in the Pacific Ocean off the northwest coast of British Columbia, it is an isolated group of over 150 islands.
Sometimes matters in small claims court are set for a trial conference. Trial conferences take place in small claims court before a trial. This article explains what trial conferences are, when you might have one, how you should prepare, and what might happen there.