Judgments & Decisions

Provincial Court judges make thousands of decisions each year. The reasons they give for their decisions are sometimes called “judgments”, “reasons”, or just “decisions”. Often, Provincial Court judges explain their reasons by speaking to the people in the courtroom. This is called an “oral judgment”. A judge may also prepare written reasons (in some cases reading them aloud in court) and they will be placed in the court file.

Some of these written reasons are posted online on the CanLII (Canadian Legal Information Institute) databank, particularly in cases of public interest or involving a point of law. In a high-profile case, written reasons may be posted on the home page of the Court’s website www.provincialcourt.bc.ca under "Recent Judgments", for the first few days after they are issued until they can be posted on CanLII.

Use the "Search Judgments" button to find BC Provincial Court judgments on CanLII. See how to obtain oral and written judgments if there's no judgment online on CanLII.

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Glossaries and translation

Recent Provincial Court Judgments

2024-07-25 - R. v. Cruz
Key Words: Criminal law — Obstruction — Obstruction of justice
2024-07-15 - R. v. Richardson
Key Words: Criminal law — Judicial interim release — Revocation
2024-07-12 - R. v. L.M.
Key Words: Criminal law — Sexual offences — Sexual interference
2024-07-10 - Crooker v. Davies
Key Words: Civil — Practice — Small claims proceedings
Key Words: Criminal law — Special procedure and powers — Detention of seized property
2024-07-09 - A.J.F.C. v. C.F.C.
Key Words: Family law — Matrimonial property — Division — Practice — Orders
2024-07-08 - R. v. Cruz
Key Words: Criminal law — Charter of Rights — Sections 7 and 9 — Section 11(d)
Key Words: Personal injuries — Negligence — Animals
2024-06-28 - R. v. Chang
Key Words: Criminal law — Charter of Rights — Section 11(b
2024-06-27 - P.M. v. E.G.
Key Words: Family law — Children — Maintenance
2024-06-26 - R. v. Taylor
Key Words: Criminal law — Sexual offences — Sexual touching
2024-06-26 - R. v. Wellington
Key Words: Criminal law — Drug offences — Possession for purposes of trafficking — Weapons — Possession while prohibited
2024-06-25 - M.H. v. M.D.
Key Words: Family law — Children — Guardianship
2024-06-24 - R. v. T.D.C.
Key Words: Criminal law — Young offenders — Assault
2024-06-21 - R. v. P.W.P.
Key Words: Criminal law — Trials — Language of trial — Accused’s application for s. 530 dismissed
2024-06-20 - Gardner v. Sheppard
Key Words: Civil — Practice — Parties
Key Words: Civil — Animals — Dangerous animals
Key Words: Family law — Children — Custody
2024-06-17 - R. v. Sammy
Key Words: Criminal law — Charter of Rights — Sections 8, 9, 10(a) and 10b
2024-06-17 - R. c. Lagrange
Key Words: véhicule — ex parte — accusé — doute raisonnable — plaidoyer