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Forty years after they attended elementary school together, Judges Lorianna Bennett and Lynett Jung met again as Provincial Court judges. Both had attended George Slater Elementary School in Kamloops in the 1980s, but they only realized their childhood connection when a friend pointed it out.
Opened in 1914 and constructed in the imposing Classical Revival style, the Vernon Law Courts is one of BC’s older courthouses. Since 2019, it has been undergoing necessary renovation including repairing flood damage, remediating the structural foundation, upgrading the roof and electrical system, and rebuilding cells and courtrooms.
A “Renaissance person” is one with wide interests who is expert in several areas. There is no better description of Judge Gurmail Gill, the first person of South Asian heritage appointed to the BC Provincial Court.
Here are some of the week’s highlights – online sessions offer something for everyone, and it’s all free!
The BC Provincial Court’s annual reports are fact-filled summaries of the last fiscal year, presented in a colourful, readable format, as part of the Court’s commitment to transparency and accountability. They include caseload and operational performance statistics, judges’ and judicial justices’ demographics, responses to complaints, and more.