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Provincial Court judges are working with senior lawyers to increase the skills and knowledge of junior lawyers in Surrey, British Columbia’s fastest-growing municipality. To accomplish this, they have formed the “Surrey Inns of Court”.
Every year BC’s Judicial Council reports to the public on its work assessing candidates who apply to be appointed a judge or judicial justice in the BC Provincial Court. Its annual reports share demographic information about candidates including age, gender, years and type of legal experience, and ethnic or cultural backgrounds volunteered by the lawyers who apply.
In the movie Dances with Wolves, Kicking Bird tells John Dunbar "We have come far, you and me." Speaking at the tenth-anniversary celebration of the Cknucwentn First Nations Sentencing Court in Kamloops on May 6, 2023, BC Provincial Court Judge Raymond Phillips said that line comes to mind when he thinks of the Cknucwentn Court.
After a 4-year pandemic-related gap, BC lawyers will once again have the chance to practise their advocacy skills in a real courtroom and get feedback from judges and experienced trial lawyers. The Continuing Legal Education Society of BC (CLEBC) will present its Winning Advocacy Skills Workshop at the BC Provincial Court at Robson Square in Vancouver from July 6-8, 2023.
Retired judge Brent Hoy has been described as “a gracious and humble trail-blazer” and “a model for the pan-Asian legal community”. A keynote speech he gave last fall at the BC Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers’ gala was very well-received – comments on it included “wise”, “richly insightful” and “beyond inspiring”.