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With the addition of Instagram and LinkedIn, the BC Provincial Court is now using a trio of social media accounts to communicate with the public.
Posted online in December, the BC Provincial Court’s 2022/23 annual report has been praised as “fantastic” and “amazing”. Readers have said that it provides a succinct and comprehensive overview of the Court’s work while the photos, graphics, and design make it engaging and readable.
What does it take for the Court to produce a report like this?
An Indigenous man in his mid-fifties with a brain injury and a serious substance abuse history first appeared in New Westminster First Nations Court in April, 2021 on a break and enter charge. He was homeless and used heroin every day. His grandparents had attended residential schools. His mother had been adopted.
It's not easy when a family is separating. A common issue (and one that can be particularly difficult) is “What happens to the family pet?”. Until now, if a separating couple couldn’t agree, only the BC Supreme Court could decide which partner would have the pet.