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eNews articles provide general information only and should not be used as authority in court proceedings or as a substitute for legal advice. Please check the date an article was posted. We do our best to keep our website up to date, but older articles may not reflect current information.
While public health measures adopted in BC during the pandemic have been relaxed, COVID-19 remains a communicable disease with potential for serious consequences. On July 18, 2022 the BC Provincial Court’s operations will move from the pandemic response phase of the last two years to a communicable disease phase.
The Court’s website offers a wide range of information and tools created by judges to help litigants prepare for and conduct their cases - guides, checklists, and tips to help with family, small claims, criminal, and traffic cases in the Provincial Court of British Columbia.
The BC Provincial Court and the provincial government are well into a multi-year effort to improve the way BC families can resolve disputes. New Provincial Court Family Rules have introduced changes as part of a continuing process of trying new ideas, evaluating them, and applying the lessons learned.
A remarkable new podcast provides two perspectives – from this century and the last - on what it’s like to be a judge in British Columbia. The combined wisdom of two judges, their shared experiences, and the respect of one for the other make this podcast episode not just interesting but moving.
Roderick Haig-Brown
203 frontline service providers, advocates, librarians, law students, lawyers, and other legal information providers joined Chief Judge Melissa Gillespie and Judges Kathryn Ferriss and Kristen Mundstock on February 24, 2022, for an introduction to the online information resources the Provincial Court of British Columbia offers litigants.