
2019 Canadian Law Blog Awards Winner Best Blogs and Commentary

Best A2J Resources: Twitter Town Hall
2019 Canadian Law Blog Awards Winner

eNews articles provide general information only and should not be used as authority in court proceedings or as a substitute for legal advice. Please check the date an article was posted. We do our best to keep our website up to date, but older articles may not reflect current information.

Posted to: Judges | 08/03/2016

One minute you’re a lawyer – the next, you’re appointed a judge. You begin a new, very challenging career in a whirlwind, as soon as you can leave your law practice. What kind of orientation and training do you get to prepare for your new responsibilities?

Posted to: Judges | 01/03/2016

Artist Kirsten Savage wrote movingly about learning that a painting of hers had had a tremendous impact on someone losing their sight. A patron told her that a friend of his with macular degeneration was surrounding herself with beautiful artwork to enjoy while she could, and had asked to borrow one of Ms. Savage’s paintings.

Posted to: Court, Judges | 23/02/2016

In order to provide people around the province with access to justice Provincial Court judges hold court in more than 80 locations in British Columbia. In smaller communities the number of cases doesn’t require a full time court, so judges travel there regularly.

Posted to: Judges, Law | 16/02/2016

A recent Ottawa Citizen column commented on an incident in R. v. Elliott, a prosecution for criminal harassment involving Twitter activity.

Posted to: Archive | 09/02/2016

A recent column in the Ottawa Citizen raised some interesting issues – both ethical and legal.
