eNews: Other Topics

Posted to: Judges, Other Topics | 31/12/2019

Happy New Year! Last year’s eNews articles featuring paintings of BC courthouses and introducing their artists stimulated interest in this special genre. As a result, we’re able to share three more courthouse paintings – including one by a judge!

Posted to: Law, Other Topics | 12/11/2019

Have your say on draft rules

Posted to: Other Topics | 05/11/2019

Updated March 2023

Judicial Council reports include demographics of applicants for appointment

Posted to: Other Topics | 15/10/2019

The Justice Hack recently held its second annual Vancouver event – the largest access-to-justice hackathon in BC. It attracted more than 60 hackers, lawyers and access-to-justice (A2J) enthusiasts who spent a weekend tackling some of the barriers that impede small businesses’ access to justice and legal services.

Posted to: Court, Other Topics | 02/07/2019

The BC Provincial Court’s Access to Court Records Policy sets out who has access to which types of court records, in accordance with any laws that may apply. The Court’s policy establishes general guidelines governing access, but judges in individual cases decide issues concerning access when more specific direction is necessary.
