eNews: Court

Posted to: Court, Judges | 19/04/2016

The Provincial Court of BC made history last week as the first court in Canada to hold a Twitter Town Hall. Lauded by participants and described as “an obvious success” by Vancouver Sun columnist Ian Mulgrew, the event even earned the Court the coveted social media status of ‘trending’ in Vancouver.

Posted to: Court, Judges | 29/03/2016

Is there a question you’ve always wanted to ask the Chief Judge? You’ll have your chance during Law Week. The BC Provincial Court’s Chief Judge Thomas Crabtree will host a live Twitter Town Hall on BC Law Day, April 14, 2016. You’re invited to participate in this unprecedented opportunity to chat with the Chief Judge on Twitter by using the hashtag #AskChiefJudge.

Posted to: Court | 22/03/2016

One of the most notable features of any British Columbia courtroom is the large coat of arms on the wall behind the judge’s bench. Unlike courts in many other Canadian provinces, all of the courts in our province have traditionally displayed the Royal Arms of the United Kingdom, the official coat of arms of the British monarch.

Posted to: Court | 15/03/2016

In a unique program developed by the Provincial Court of BC and UBC’s Allard School of Law, students spend a term interning in the Court. As they conduct legal research for and are mentored by judges, they gain perspectives that enrich their understanding of the court system and their communities. Accompanying a judge on a circuit court is a highlight of each student’s term with the Court.

Posted to: Court, Judges | 23/02/2016

In order to provide people around the province with access to justice Provincial Court judges hold court in more than 80 locations in British Columbia. In smaller communities the number of cases doesn’t require a full time court, so judges travel there regularly.
