Everyone agrees the practice of law is changing. To help them keep up with or ahead of change, Courthouse Libraries BC is asking BC lawyers to answer just a few questions about the current nature of their work, their information needs, and how change is affecting their practice.
Invest 10 minutes in your future
Courthouse Libraries BC (CLBC) has done a fantastic job of evolving and innovating to meet the legal research needs of BC’s lawyers and the public. See eNews 12/08/2015 for details of their creative initiatives and programs.
But as the nature of legal practice continues to change, CLBC is changing too, evolving as an institution to support BC lawyers both today and in the future. To do this well, they need help.
Asking BC lawyers to complete a short survey, CLBC’s CEO Johanne Blenkin explains:
“Our watchword is "innovation" as we retool to meet lawyers’ new needs while witnessing the changing role of libraries. (Tomorrow's libraries will exist because today's libraries are working very hard to build value beyond their traditional brand identity as institutions.)
To this end, we ask you, the lawyers of BC, to give input about your own needs so we can design resources and services that anticipate them. A few minutes with this survey now will help us shape the Courthouse Libraries BC of tomorrow and identify:
- new products, services and approaches to curating, sharing and connecting legal information
- the main deliverables in our technological platform for supporting communities of legal practice
- the precise knowledge management needs of tomorrow's legal profession
Information you share will be anonymous, and we will report out on the big picture findings of the survey after it closes (November 25, 2016). BC lawyers who complete the survey or share the link (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DPPB9DJ) with their Twitter followers using the hashtag #CLBClawyersurvey2016 will be given the chance to enter a draw for one of five $100 gift cards to Chapters/Indigo.
Be part of the conversation. Have a say in the future of your law library. Help shape the resources we're building to support you. Please take and share the survey today.”