In collaborative separation or divorce, a couple works with lawyers and where needed, financial and/or mental health professionals to resolve both legal and emotional consequences of their marriage breakdown. Each spouse has their own lawyer, trained in mediation and collaborative practice, to support and advocate for them throughout negotiations.
The B.C. Collaborative Roster Society is a volunteer group of collaborative legal, financial and mental health professionals who maintain a roster of qualified collaborative professionals and support excellence in their field by sharing information and training.
The Society is now offering a free confidential program for couples in the Lower Mainland or Okanagan going through separation and/or divorce who would like to use collaborative practice but can’t afford it. To qualify, spouses’ combined gross family income must be less than $60,000 a year and they must own less than $100,000 in assets.
If you are accepted for the program you will receive the services of a collaborative team consisting of a lawyer for each spouse, a neutral divorce coach, and if needed, a neutral financial professional, to help you reach a settlement.
To apply fill out the application form at