eNews: Help
Going to court can be a terrifying experience, especially if you’re presenting your case on your own, without a lawyer. Many self-represented litigants find that having a trusted friend or family member with them to provide emotional support, take notes, and organize documents can be a big help.
Updated June 2021 and June 2023
Note: You can now find information about unbundled legal services and a list of lawyers who work this way at https://unbundlinglaw.peopleslawschool.ca/. (note added September 2019)
Each year, 1 in 7 British Columbians gets legal help or legal education from one of the Justice Education Society’s resources or programs.
Updated June 2022
The UBC Indigenous Legal Clinic in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside is both a free community legal service and a law school course where upper year law students work in a clinical environment full time for a term. The clinic is founded on ‘experiential learning’ principles that embrace the concept of ‘learning by doing’.